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Cryptocurrency Test, Which crypto would I BE & LOVE

지식센터 2024. 2. 12. 09:01

Find out which cryptocurrency suits you through the "Cryptocurrency Test" below. If you're curious about all the possible results that can come out of the test, refer to the end of the text.


1. Cryptocurrency Test Questions

Q1. How do you use social media?

✔ I watch what it shows me.

✔ I look for things I like.


Q2. What do you do when you feel bad?

✔ I need someone to talk to.

✔ I need to be alone.


Q3. How do you get ready for a new place?

✔ I find out everything about it first.

✔ I only learn how to get there.


Q4. What's better for you?

✔ Getting things right.

✔ Feeling cared for.


Q5. Which way do you choose?

✔ The way many people go.

✔ The way no one goes.


Q6. What are you more like?

✔ I try new things.

✔ I try to be perfect.


Q7. Your plans are canceled,

✔ I make new plans and go out.

✔ I stay at home and rest.


Q8. Which praise do you like more?

✔ You're a genius, really smart.

✔ You're an angel, really kind.


2. Cryptocurrency Test Website

Visit the page below to take the test. If you're curious about the complete results of the test, refer to the bottom of this article.


Which Crypto Would I Be?

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Which Crypto Would I Love?

Share your match on X(formerly Twitter)



Additional) If you'd like to try more tests similar to the one above, refer to the article below.


블록체인 소울 테스트, 크립토 세계의 나는 어떤 직업일까?

아래의 "블록체인 소울 테스트"를 통해 여러분과 맞는 블록체인 직업을 알아보세요. 이 테스트를 통해 나올 수 있는 전체 결과들이 궁금하다면 본문의 마지막 부분을 참고하세요. 1. 블록체인 소



3. Cryptocurrency Test Results

1) Dogecoin

✔ Competent and positive personality.

✔ Meticulous and thoughtful, finds satisfaction in helping others lead safe and happy lives. Excellent interpersonal skills.



✔ Your ideal type is someone humorous who always makes you laugh.

✔ While having a fun and comfortable lover is great, be mindful that being too comfortable might make them feel less like a romantic lover.

✔ Engaging in shared hobbies can help bridge the gap.


2) Binance Coin

✔ Excellent observational skills, accepting phenomena as they are. Passionate and energetic individuals with strong mental resilience and entrepreneurial qualities.

✔ Capable of inspiring and persuading others, naturally leading people to new paths filled with energy and joy.


" Any better options? "

✔ Your ideal type is someone with the qualities of a successful entrepreneur.

✔ Your lover prioritizes work and may sometimes seem to prioritize it over you, but rest assured, your lover is thinking about spending time with you on their days off.


3) Bitcoin

✔ Logical and quick-thinking personality.

✔ A natural leader who enjoys challenges, believing they can achieve any goal given enough time and resources.

✔ Capable of actively participating in difficult projects, improving action plans, and handling complex tasks with ease.


" Any better options? "

✔ Your ideal type is a stable and reliable lover.

✔ Your lover has get your trust over a long time and becomes a pillar of support during your challenging times.

✔ Although your lover's familiarity might make you less exciting, but be careful not to neglect your lover for seek or pursue to your other interests.


4) Solana

✔ Warm, kind, and caring personality with a unique sense of individuality, reflected in everything from clothing to leisure activities.

✔ Lives in the present, making decisions based on the current moment. Developing a systematic approach can help maintain independence and boost confidence in planning.



" Let's head outd

oors! "

✔ Your ideal type is someone who exudes vibrant energy and uplifts those around them.

✔ With a lover who sets trends and has a unique personality, you can experience new things together.

✔ Even if your lover's otherworldly aspects are occasionally hard to understand, if you think this parts are cute, you are already deeply in love.


5) Polkadot

✔ Inherently cooperative with a strong sense of camaraderie.

✔ Observant, values clear and provable facts, enjoys storytelling, and excels in organization and patience.


" People call me a celeb "

✔ Your ideal type is someone popular in social circles, often at the center of human relationships.

✔ If your socially active lover occasionally feels exhausted, providing support can strengthen your bond through shared moments.


6) Avalanche

✔ Observant and quick to perceive others' emotions.

✔ Enjoys helping others talk about their problems, offering practical advice, and sharing enjoyable moments with friends.


" Never mind. He's just a friend "

✔ Your ideal type seeks open relationships with various people.

✔ While your lover might occasionally seem indifferent to you, expressing a desire for exclusivity can cause stress.

✔ Consider meeting your lover's friends together to strengthen your connection.


7) Ethereum

✔ Highly creative and curious personality that relishes intense debates on controversial topics.

✔ Possesses rich knowledge and a sharp sense of humor. While interested in generating ideas, they may lack interest in implementing them.

✔ Difficulty in understanding others' feelings may pose challenges in interpersonal relationships and professional success.


" Follow Follow Me "

✔ Your ideal type is a capable and clear values individual.

✔ Engaging in serious conversations with your lover will allow you to learn and grow a lot.

✔ While you may occasionally be disappointed by your lover's stubbornness, but they are not ignoring your opinions, so try resolving it through communication.


8) OverProtocol

✔ Possesses a friendly and sociable personality with a deep inner self. Has a vivid imagination and abundant creativity, often enjoying daydreaming and creating numerous stories in their mind.

✔ Due to high empathy, caution is advised, as negative emotions or thought patterns of others can easily influence them.


" I'll be your last love 💕❤️ 💗 "

✔ Your ideal type is a lovely and charming lover.

✔ When your lover falls in love, they tend to focus only on you, providing you with a lot of support and encouragement.

✔ Since your lover often act friendly with others, you can feel discomfort, if you trust and wait for your lover, they will focus only on you.


9) Ripple

✔ Admits mistakes quickly and works to rectify them.

✔ Kind yet introverted, calm yet spontaneous. Has a strong work ethic, a sense of duty, and often takes on responsibilities for others.


" Call me anytime if needed "

✔ Your ideal type is someone who is in your side whenever you need them.

✔ Although the constant presence of your lover may make their value less apparent, the absence of your supportive lover could leave you feeling empty and know their importance in your life.



10) Cardano

" Trust me, just wait for it "

✔ Your ideal type is someone who steadily moves toward their goals.

✔ Although your lover's slow pace may sometimes seem frustrating or hesitant, supporting and trusting them will deeply move your lover, strengthening your relationship over time.


📚 함께 읽으면 좋은 지식 📚


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